Försöksodlingen är på två hektar. Teff är frostkänsligt, så Andreas Nypelius sådde de små fröna i början av juni. Teff vill också ha det varmt för att växa. Det finns en stor efterfrågan på glutenfria, lokalproducerade råvaror, säger han. – Det är … Source: Försöksodling av teff på Gotland
Category Archives: News
Teff, the smallest grain in the world, helps tackle obesity, diabetes, digestive diseases, heart disease and immune system disorders Source: Diet diary: ‘Lovegrass’, a superfood that may soon be on our dinner tables | The Indian Express
“Teff is like a runner’s super food,” she said. “It’s great as a pre-race meal. It’s high in iron and it’s a whole grain so it provides a slow release of energy, which is exactly what I need.” Source: Is Teff the New Super Grain? – The New York Times
Teff was one of the plants and grains domesticated by ancient Ethiopian and Eritrean nomadic tribes and farmers. The earliest known variety was around 5000 BC, and this grain has been found in Egyptian pyramids where it was once considered as a last meal for the Pharaohs! While the grass and grain are well known […]
Fermentation perpetuates the growth of beneficial microbes called probiotics. These live microbes beneficially affect the host – in this case, people – by improving its intestinal microbial balance. Of course not all fermentation happens inside the body. It is also the oldest food preservation technique on record. Now scientists like myself are looking to fermentation […]
Teff, the staple ingredient of Ethiopian cuisine, is now reaching supermarket shelves worldwide after an export ban was dropped Source: The Ethiopian superfood that used to be banned – CNN.com
Ethiopia’s indigenous grain teff is garnering global interest as a new super-food, but the country’s government has to balance a desire for export success with the need to keep its population fed. Source: Will Ethiopia’s teff be the next ‘super grain’? – BBC News
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